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Setting and tracking digital marketing goals is an essential part of any successful digital marketing strategy

Marketing is an industry that is often mistaken for a creative endeavour, and while it can seem this way, it is also a very goal driven and analytical field. Marketing is all about finding what works, what people connect with, and how to target that. 

Setting goals gives a bench line – if our results sit under we should adjust strategy and if it marks higher than we adjust our goals. 

There are areas within marketing that work really well for this kind of goal setting – SEO services and keyword tracking, or email marketing and open rates for example. Other areas, like blogs and social media can prove a little more difficult. People tend to measure metrics that don’t really mean anything and ignore the ones that do. 

So in the spirit of improvement, let’s take a little look at how we can set clear, attainable, and actionable goals for the year ahead. 

Set Digital Marketing GoalsSet Specific Goals

Goals have a tendency to be far-reaching and broad, only somewhat based in reality. 

But your marketing goals should be the opposite of this. When it comes to digital marketing goals, don’t be afraid to get specific. 

Some examples of this could be:

  • I want to be ranked on the first page of google for X keyword
  • I want X amount average email opens
  • I want X amount of link clicks
  • I want over 100 blogs on my website in the next year

These goals should be an improvement on the last year’s goal and they should have a clear mark for achievement. Simply saying ’I want keywords to perform better’ is too subjective to actually produce results.

Opt for ROI

Ultimately, your goals should reward you for your efforts and should strengthen your business’s reputation, financial position, or reach. The goals you set should rely on KPIs that offer real and tangible value that will be reflected in your business. 

People tend to opt for ‘vanity’ KPI’s, especially in social media management Brisbane. This refers to likes, views, or followers – these things do not necessarily translate into value. 

Instead opt for KPI’s that show engagement and results – conversion rates, shares, comments. Engagement indicates that someone has consumed your content, processed it, and has a question or thoughts that they want to share. This means your brand is ‘sticky’ and more likely to be recalled by the audience member at a later date. 

Set Achievable Goals

It is also important to think about your goals realistically. Yes of course aim high, but not so high that you will never achieve anything. 

Your goals should be realistic for your budget, resources, and time frame. Say you want to write 200 blogs in the year but you can only afford 1 hour of copywriting time a week, you would be struggling to meet that goal.

Your goals should challenge you, and make you work hard, but you should always be able to achieve them. Looking back at how many blogs you wrote last year and adding 10% would be a more achievable goal than to pluck a number like 200 out of thin air. 

Setting Digital Marketing GoalsBite-size Chunks

Looking at a big looming digital marketing goal can be daunting, which is why it is best practice to break them into bite size chunks. 

Breaking your goals down this way allows you to keep a closer eye on them and will give you great motivation for completing them. For example, if you have a goal to increase your email marketing open rate, then a monthly check in will allow you to evaluate how you are tracking and adjust your strategy. 

It is important to also break down the goals into achievable tasks. If your goal is to launch an email marketing campaign, well, that involves a lot of steps. Instead think about those steps as individual goals – just smaller and more manageable. 

Tracking Your Marketing Goals 

Tracking your progress is an important step in ensuring you meet your goals at the end of the year. Set weekly, monthly or quarterly targets and check-in with your progress regularly. That way, if you’re falling behind, you can catch-up before it starts to feel impossible. 

Select a number of metrics to track that are key indicators of success towards your goal, and keep tabs on those metrics as you progress through your year. 

BeKonstructive’s Digital Marketing Goals

We’re going to share some of our own marketing goals from 2022 and the metrics that we’ve been using to track our progress towards those goals. While we’re all running our own race, if you’re new to the concept of setting and tracking digital marketing goals, then having a peek at someone else’s goals can help you gain some insight and inspiration towards establishing your own goals. 

Goal 1: Rank in Google for search terms relating to ‘SEO Brisbane’
Metrics: We track 10 SEO-related key phrases – at the start of the year we were not being indexed or generating traffic for any SEO related terms. We are now indexed for all 10 terms. Each month we track where we are ranking for each term, and how much traffic we are generating from search terms that include ‘SEO’. 

Goal 2: Weekly blog article
Metrics: As content marketers, our blog and social media feeds act as part of our portfolio – so at the start of 2022, we decided that we needed to create more Brisbane copywriting content for our own website and blog. The metrics we track are how many blogs we’ve written, as well as how much traffic our blogs generate each month – as well as whether that traffic comes from social media or Google. 

Goal 3: 1200 LinkedIn Followers
Metrics: We have positioned ourselves as LinkedIn specialists, and as such we need to be able to show continuous organic growth of our own LinkedIn company page. The metrics we track for our company LinkedIn page include month-on-month followers, as well as the industries that those followers are from – to ensure that we are not only growing our LinkedIn page, but that our new followers are our ideal target market. 

Setting digital media goals with Bekonstructive

BeKonstructive are well versed in the art of goal setting – especially for digital marketing and content marketing Brisbane. Our overarching goal is always continuous improvement – always look to do something better, acknowledge it, celebrate it, and do it again. 

Which is why we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive and consistent reports for our clients. When we work with a client and set our goals together, we make sure to discuss how it will be tracked and achieved. It is important to us that clients can see the growth and feel the difference those goals make in their business. 

If you are looking for a Brisbane digital marketing service that always strives for improvement and growth, then get in touch with our team today!