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Here at BeKonstructive, we’re all too familiar with the challenges that come with SEO which is why we are sharing our top tips for writing metadata that gets clicks.

One minute you think you’ve nailed it and the next, everything’s changed. When you consider the fact that Google makes 200-300 changes or tweaks to its algorithm every year, the unpredictability behind SEO starts to make sense. The only constant is change. Luckily, one more consistent aspect of SEO is metadata, which is something that can be optimised to continually produce long term results.

The Impact Metadata Has on Your SEO Campaigns

Metadata might be the unsung hero when it comes to your SEO campaigns. Often taking a backseat in the eyes of many, its influence is critical not just for SEO Brisbane, but for all aspects of digital marketing. Metadata serves as a ‘first impression’ of your web page. This is what search engine users see even before clicking on your link. Hence, it’s more than just a set of tags that only search engines look at; it’s a gateway that can either attract or repel potential site visitors.

Quality SEO copywriting skills come into play when crafting compelling metadata. Each word counts, given the limited space. A well-crafted meta description, for instance, can significantly increase your click-through rate. This not only brings in more traffic but also sends positive signals to search engines like Google, indirectly boosting your page rankings.

When you employ SEO services Brisbane, metadata optimisation is often a part of the package. But don’t mistake this for a ‘set and forget’ element. Metadata needs regular updates in line with your ongoing Brisbane digital marketing strategies. This is because search algorithms change, as do user behaviours and preferences.

Metadata isn’t just an add-on; it’s an integral part of your SEO strategy. Ignoring it might not immediately sink your ship, but diligently optimising it can certainly set you sailing smoothly towards your digital marketing goals.

What is Metadata?

Firstly, let us explain what metadata is, and why it matters. Put simply, metadata is a set of data that provides information about other data. There are lots of different types of metadata, which can all include different information like numbers, legislation, dates, times and file size. At BeKonstructive, we primarily write metadata for websites, which in that case is a short description of each page, always including keywords and metatags. While metadata doesn’t play a role in a site’s ranking factor, it does entice readers to click through to a page, which is when it is useful for on-page SEO. Considering this, it’s important to have metadata that is a true reflection of what each page is about and gives the reader a purpose to click through to your page.

That may seem like a lot of information, but don’t worry. To help you out, we’ve broken it down and compiled a list of our top 5 tried and tested tips for writing great metadata so your site can get clicks in no time.

Include your primary keyword:

Keywords. You’ve probably heard time and time again how important keywords are when it comes to ranking in SEO and using keywords in your metadata is just as important. While metadata descriptions won’t help your page rank, if you use a keyword in your metadata, when the word is searched, Google will highlight the word in your site’s description. The bolded word will capture user’s attention, as well as indicate to them that your page will be useful in their research.

Writing Metadata

Consider the word and character limit:

Our Managing Director, Bek can attest that one of the worst tasks as a business owner is writing a short description of your business! When it comes to metadata, Google caps descriptions at 160 characters, meaning your page description can only be about as long (or as short) as a tweet. Can it be done? Of course! It just takes practice and knowing what words to use. A Brisbane copywriter will likely be skilled in this area, but if you’re attempting it on your own, try brainstorming some of the key benefits of your business, popular products or services that you sell. When you’ve got a collection of words, practice reworking sentences until you’ve created a description that you’re happy with.

Tips for writing metadata

Be Active and Creative:

While writing metadata might seem like a tedious task, it’s important to get creative and have some fun with it! Descriptions that are sub-par won’t help you get clicks or move up in the rankings, simply because users will only be inclined to click on sites that grab their interest. But how do you grab the attention of users? There are a range of techniques you can use, some which will suit your business and some that may not.

It’s all about remembering your brand’s tone of voice and what you want users to think when they read the description. A great tip is to use an active voice in your writing, including rhetorical questions such as “Do you want more traffic to your site?” or a call to action such as “read more here.” The aim is to trigger the audience to act, so keep them in the front of your mind and find ways to engage.

Use unique content:

Following on from creativity, it’s also important that the meta description on each of your pages is unique. If you’re short on time, it can be tempting to copy and paste each description so that every page has the same metadata. The danger in this is that Google won’t know the difference between each page, even if the titles aren’t the same. Due to this, your page won’t be able to rank accordingly, making it difficult for your site to appear in user’s search results.

If you put into practice the tips from the paragraph above, it should be easy to write catchy, unique descriptions for each page.

Take advantage of helpful tools and apps:

Sometimes, you just can’t do it all on your own, and that’s ok! At BeKonstructive Marketing, we often turn to helpful tools and apps to assists us with our work and ensure that we’re on the right track. One of our favourite tools for metadata writing is SEO Yoast, a free WordPress plugin that checks your site to make sure its completely SEO friendly, offering suggestions for improvement.

When it comes to metadata, SEO Yoast can check for duplicate content, make sure you’re adhering to the word count and incorporating the right keywords. Another tool we love is Semrush, which is like SEO Yoast but focuses more on data and analytics. Think of these tools as your proof-reading friend, a fresh set of eyes looking over your work to make sure all the i’s are dotted, and t’s are crossed before you update your site.

Need SEO Help?

The team at BeKonstructive Marketing specialise in Brisbane SEO services for small and medium businesses. We can assist you with your on-page optimisation, keyword research, writing your metadata, building backlinks and creating optimised content for your site. Get in touch with us today to book a free SEO discovery session and discuss how we can help you with your SEO and digital marketing.

If you’d like to learn more about writing metadata, check out our related article ‘Metadata Rules‘.