At BeKonstructive Marketing, content creation is what we do. However, we’ve got to admit that coming up with ideas for content isn’t always as easy as we make it look! What does make it easier, though, is having a strategy in place that helps prompt ideas when you get stuck. All good content strategies have strong content streams that flow from it. Like Bek mentioned in her article on Brand Values and Content Marketing, your content streams should have a direct correlation with your brand values.
At BeKonstructive, while our content streams relate to our brand values, one of our most important content streams is education. Education is one of the most common content streams because it applies to so many different industries and about 95% of businesses will have this stream in their content marketing strategy. For example, we offer educational content around SEO, content creation, copywriting and even owning a business. So, if you’re a catering business, for example, you could create content around the best way to transport food to and from an event, share some favourite recipes and even some nutrition tips.
They key idea around sharing educational content is to establish yourself as a thought leader, building a level of trust between you and your audience. At the same time, as you share your knowledge with your audience, they get free value by learning something new. This causes your audience to have those warm, fuzzy feelings toward your brand, which is all we can ask for, right?
So now we know why you should be producing content on a regular basis, but it still doesn’t answer the question – how do you find inspiration and ideas for all of your content creation activities? We’ve listed some of our go-to ways to find content creation ideas below ????
Join online communities:
Joining an online community is one of the best ways to discover some of the key questions being asked that you can answer! Have a look on Facebook, LinkedIn and other online forums to see if there are any groups where the majority of group members fall within your target market. We follow a range of Facebook groups such as Like-Minded Bitches Drinking Wine (it’s not as vulgar as it sounds, we promise!), Brisbane Small Businesses, Business Chicks and Girls in Business (sensing a theme?). These groups all contain members of our target audience, which gives us the perfect opportunity to find ideas for content that directly answers their questions!
When we’re stuck for ideas on what to write about, we trawl through the recent posts in these groups and look for ideas – what is everyone talking about? Are there any trending topics or themes that keep popping up? Are people asking questions that we are able to answer? Creating content around these topics ensures that our content is relevant to our target audience – it addresses a topic that they are currently interested in or answers a burning questions that they have. Oh and bonus? If we can create the content fast enough, then we can go back to the original post that spurred the idea and post a link to the content – thus driving traffic and eyeballs to our new article / video / content before we’ve even really started to promote it on our own channels.
Answer the Public:
Another tool we love to use to generate content ideas is Answer The Public. Answer the Public is a search tool used to discover what people are asking about on Google relating to a certain subject matter. For example, when we use Answer the Public to search “content marketing,” a range of questions appear such as “how can content marketing help a business?” “Why is content marketing important” and “How content marketing helps SEO.” We then use these questions as the basis of our blog articles, often using the exact question as the title for our blog. Using Answer The Public to find content ideas is a really simple, effective way to create content that will perform well on Google, and thus will be beneficial for SEO, simply because these are the questions people are searching for.
Finally, Quora. If you’re an avid Googler, you’ll no doubt have trawled through a Quora forum at some stage in your life. Quora is great because it’s almost a combination of a Facebook group and Answer the Public. This is because users often leave questions on Quora that they struggled to find easily on Google. If we’re using Quora, we will often go in and see what questions we can answer and then write a quick blog article on the topic. We then go back to Quora and post a link to our new blog post. Doing this is a great way to get an easy backlink to your website and drive some referral traffic from Quora to your website.
Still stuck for content creation ideas?
If you need some help with generating effective content for your business, get in touch with us. Our Copywriting and Social Media Management services can help create direction for your business, creating an engaged audience and generating new leads.